international work day
about the active role
of cartooning in society
journée internationale
de travail sur le rôle actif
du dessin de presse dans la société
اليوم الدولي
للإشتغال على الدور الفعال
لرسوم الصحف في المجتمع
If the history of the political cartoon is at least as old as the history of the press, the exhibition ‘Caricature – Hugo on frontpage’ at the House of Victor Hugo, is the illustration.
Present during the working day of the CGF as representatives of a museological exhibition, Mrs. Florence Claval and Inga Wal-Bezombes, respectively communication officer and head of the educational service of the Victor Hugo House, invited the participants to a private visit of the exhibition.
Thus, the Global Forum extended the next day with a presentation of the collection commented and guided by the curator of the exhibition, Mr. Vincent Gille. A chronological presentation of more than 150 caricatures and satirical drawings representing sometimes the poet and romantic
character, sometimes the politician adulated or criticized, to see hated, to finish as a sacred symbol after his death. It was therefore unique, with these cartoons and caricatures, explained in their political contexts, to show the long way that the cartoon has already traveled through history,
highlighting, if it still needed, importance, strength and impact that drawings can have on the issue of political life and democratic reflections.