international work day
about the active role
of cartooning in society
journée internationale
de travail sur le rôle actif
du dessin de presse dans la société
اليوم الدولي
للإشتغال على الدور الفعال
لرسوم الصحف في المجتمع
Essential to the success of the Cartooning Global Forum was the inclusion of organisations concerned not only with the welfare and rights of cartoonists but those whose remit covers the press in particular and freedom of expression more generally. Thus our profession was represented by a diverse range of national and international cartoonists’ associations eager to offer counterparts from the wider world of human rights advocacy their perspective and experience.
Particularly during the informal sessions that preceded each roundtable discussion these cartoonists were able to speak freely and directly with academics, policy makers, legal experts, directors from major NGOs and multiple archives, museums, and schools dedicated in whole or part to cartooning.
The work tables format helped conversation to be lively, good-natured and at many times frank, with direct questions and issues of long-standing being addressed, with great respect and kindness. Immediate feedback gathered before the conclusion of the event indicated that this aspect of the forum was one of its most appreciated and positive. Already new collaborative working relationships have been established and projects embarked upon as a direct result of attendance on the day. All of this serves as a reminder that the forum is what its participants make of it.
The steering committee will seek to build upward and outward toward the next forum ensuring that the mix of delegates remains simultaneously germane to the topic of cartooning and as diverse in background and expertise as possible.
Terry Anderson
Member of the CGF Steering Committee
CRNI Northern Europe Representative
Cartoonist, Graphic Designer